Natural Hessonite- Gomed 12.00 Ratti Gemstone IIGJ


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Hessonite -Hessonite or Gomed is a gem ruled by the planet Rahu. It is cold in nature and is considered a powerful gem to heal the evil influence of Rahu. It exists in orange-brown to orange-red.
Aquaries – Hindu scriptures define Gomead as being connected and ruled by Rahul, suitable for Aquarius. In addition, the Hessian stone is also called the January birthstone.
Hindu scriptures define Gomead as being connected and ruled by Rahul, suitable for Aquarius. In addition, the Hessian stone is also called the January birthstone.
Hindu scriptures define Gomead as being connected and ruled by Rahul, suitable for Aquarius. In addition, the Hessian stone is also called the January birthstone.

Which rashi should wear Hessonite/Gomed?
Taurus: If Rahu is in third, sixth, ninth and tenth place, people under Taurus must use Gomedh to succeed.
Gemini: People under Gemini, Rahu is considered an important planet. Rahu ranked first, sixth, and ninth people can use Hessonite to succeed in their lives.
Cancer: Cancer people should use Gomedh after a three-day trial. Leo is in the third, sixth and tenth place
Leo: Leo people should wear this gemstone to achieve prosperity in life. If Rahu’s individual is in the sixth, tenth, or eleventh position
Virgo: When Rahu enters the first, fifth, sixth, and tenth house, the person belonging to the Virgo sign must use Gomedh. When Rahu was in sixth and tenth place, Gomedh.
Scorpio: Scorpio people should use Gomedh, when Rahu is in third, sixth and tenth place, it will bring good luck.
Sagittarius: The person under the constellation Sagittarius. They must wear this powerful stone, and Rahu is in the third, sixth, eighth, tenth and eleventh positions.

  • The Gomed Cow Urine Color Uniform neutralizes the evil influence of the Vedic planet Rahu and
    protects the wearer from negative vibrations and energy.
  • It calms the user’s heart and relieves his depression, deep anxiety and mental problems. Improve
    concentration, focus and provide clear direction to help achieve goals.
  • it is very beneficial to students and those who work in the research field. Hessonite provides
    professional development and improves a person’s social and financial status.
  • Helps improve the user’s health and cure diseases such as epilepsy, allergies, eye and sinus
    infections, hemorrhoids and heart palpitations.
  • It also helps treat diseases such as cancer, varicose veins, boils, leprosy, clumsiness, intestinal
    problems, fatigue, blood pressure and fatigue. (Dhyaana), Wealth (Artha), Righteous Life (Dharma), Body
    Pleasure (Kama) and Liberation/Nirvana (Moksha).
  • In order to bring peace and happiness to married life, both husband and wife should wear stone
    hessian. Promote love, harmony and peace.
  • The holder of Gomed is not affected by any type of dark magic, he is always ahead of his enemies and
    always wins the game.
  • It is virtual for those who wish to speak in public, because it enhances the user’s influence on a
    large number of people. People engaged in computer work, politics, government services, lawyers, and
    scientists all benefit from the magical power of this stone.
Gemstone Origin   Shape   Colour
Natural Hessonite- Gomed 




  Orangish Brown
Reflective Index Specific Gravity   Dimensions   Cut
3.7 3.22  

13.60 x 12.94 x 7.67 mm

Treatment Certification   Weight Ct   Wt Ratti
No Indications of Clarity Enhacement 1390D2924   10.89   12.00

Additional information

Weight Ratti

11-13 Ratti

Weight Carat

9 – 11 ct



