Citrine Stone – Citrine is believed to be of value in healing the spiritual self as well, as it is a powerful cleanser and regenerator.It carries the virtues of self-healing, inspiration and self-improvement.
Tiger Eye – the protective stone with the power to focus the mind, releasing fear and anxiety to promote mental clarity, harmony, and balance. The Tiger Eye stone releases tension stabilizes mood swings and may bring good luck & prosperity to the wearer.
Golden Hematite– is an effective grounding stone. It brings the mind, body, and spirit into harmony. It wards off negativity and negative energies from entering the aura bringing back harmony and peace to the body. It is said this stone has a strong yang element and balances the meridians redressing yin imbalances.
Amethyst – promotes love, spiritual wisdom, and intuition. It enhances memory and improves motivation. Amethyst lends courage to the wearer and is a protective charm for travelers.
Lapis Lazuli – is a gemstone that brings awareness in the wearer and connects the wearer to the truth and reality. Wearing this beautiful bracelet is believed to awaken the third eye.
Clear Quartz – Clear Quartz is called the “master crystal” because it promotes general well-being and pairs up nicely with other crystals, often amplifying their healing properties .
Green Aventurine – is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Use Green Aventurine to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease.
Name and Fame Bracelet helps in balancing the energies of root and solar plexus chakra to remove the money blackages. it is the combination of different natural crystal or stones which helps in brings the stability and groundig in life It also helps in removing negative tought for money .