With new technological developments and energy efficient attitudes of the Modern, buildings are becoming airtight cesspools of germs and toxins. Building occupants may experience symptoms of acute discomfort create “sick building syndrome” A building is like a human body in many aspects. Human body can become sick if it is exposed to unhealthy environment. Over exposure to carbon monoxide, Sulpher dioxide, negative radiations, energies, or unhealthy air with organic and inorganic contaminations can drive a living organism towards sickness. Similarly, a building which is exposed to similar unhealthy conditions can become sick and make the occupants sick. If a building becomes sick for long durations, the internal bioclimate of the building which is self-created self-maintained systems gets badly affected. As a result, the whole internal system (internal bioclimate) of the building becomes unhealthyin poor building design, maintenance, and/or operation of the structure’s ventilation system may be at fault. The cross ventilation system in particular is often found to be at the heart of the problem, and can itself be a source of irritants . In humid air, this moist, warm air indoor temperatures are below about 78 degrees F mold growth may become aerosolized, we work on the root cause and assure you a heathy environment in and out of the building by suggesting you to buy the products that are not harmful for the building and the occupant living inside.
Type of Furniture According to Climatology and Loadings and Openings in Buildings According to Vastu
- Quality of paints
- Home assccesories
- Planters
- Herbs
- Homemade aromas
- Soft music systems
Very important tool in sensing the negative energies in and around the area where we live .
remedies in vastu to deal with such type of energies with energy sensing

Lecher Antenna

The Lecher Antenna is a subtle energy measuring device that can also be used to stimulate meridians and enhance the health of human and animals and their energy fields. It is used in measuring human compatibility and the effects of different electro-magnetic fields.It is an energetic diagnostic tool that can be used to identify and correct health imbalances, environmental aggressions and nutritional needs and most importantly help you to select personalized treatment programmes for your self or your area It is an energy diagnostic tool that can be used in various ways to measure the subtle energy fields around environmental and ecological substances and to measure your own and other people’s energy fields in the medical realm, psychic experiences, in the psychic range of observations, radio frequencies, astronomy.

Sound Level Meter

EMF Detector

To detect a noise pollution in buildings and homes a specialized sound level meter intended specifically to measure the noise exposure of a person integrated over a period of time; usually to comply with Health and Safety regulations such as the Occupational Safety and Health. Elevated workplace or environmental noise can cause hearing impairment, tinnitus, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, annoyance, and sleep disturbance. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been also attributed to noise exposure
Remedies to reduce the noise pollution with logics